Champagne can be easily separated into two categories: “Maison” (NM, or Négociant-Manipulant) and “Grower” (RM, or Récoltant-Manipulant) Champagnes. You can determine which you’re drinking by reading the fine print on the bottom of the front label. Today, Champagne is now home to around 16,000 ‘Growers’ (of which 5,000 make their own champagnes) and 320 ‘Big Houses’. The vineyard is predominantly planted to the black Pinot Noir and Meunier and the white Chardonnay.
香檳可以分為兩大類:「大莊園」(NM,或Négociant-Manipulant)和「小農」(RM,或Récoltant-Manipulant)香檳。您可以通過閱讀標籤底部的標示,來確定您要喝的到底是什麼。今天,香檳區擁有約一萬六千個「小農」(當中約五千位會自釀香檳)和三百多個「大莊園」。葡萄園主要種植紅葡萄Pinot Noir及Pinot Meunier和白葡萄Chardonnay。
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